Thursday, March 20, 2008

Missed Favorite, Inspiring Gypsies, and more

Well, I finally got the sandman out of my eyes long enough to get myself out the door and to The Muslim for some hearty beef and potato stew, followed by an evening of dutars, tambourines, tablas, and guitars at my old stomping ground - 3J.

Great to see Froog after the long absence and caught up with another good friend, too.

Plus, D-Jaan was there, of course. It was Panjir, afterall! The morning after and D-Jaan inspired haikus flow forth uninhibited. You'll have to check out Froog's Haiku Comment Thread to have a read.

So, while I missed Benny at Salud on Wednesday night (I didn't know! Had I known, surely I'd wipe that sand out of my eyes and gotten in the jazz-mood.), I'm glad I managed to get my life back to 'normal' by Thursday night.

The dirty fishbowl looks more appealing with a little music and good companions with whom to while away the hours.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The Sandman is in town. and yes, I am back to the dirty fishbowl. Check out this report and photo to know what I landed in. Awful stuff. Coats the air passages, pains the lungs, inhibits basic breathing.

Someone remind why I came back. Oh yeah, the people. I like the people here. And if I could summon the courage to venture out into this dirty fishbowl, I might meet with some of them.

An attempt to socialize last night was killed by the sandman. No, the *other* sandman. Couldn't keep my eyes open. Let's see what success I have at it tonight.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cake Love, Clean Air, and Procrastinating

I'm off to DC.

Jan and Feb were not so prolific on this blog... but lack of words here were well accounted for over at Froogville and The Bar Prop.

I thought about explaining the Title to this Post... but have decided against it. I'm feeling rather comfortable with the sparseness here, for now.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

You're gonna want to check this out

First, Charlie Musselwhite:

Then, have a look at Charlie's China support band -- The Alex Wilson Band:

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Rejection is fleeting. Regret lasts a lifetime.


*Froogspirations are thoughts inspired by contemplation of froogisms.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

He can write AND he can rhyme!

Hello, folks. Our very own Froog has won Moonrat's Sonnet Contest. Of course, we knew he would, but it feels good to have our prior knowledge of the winning verified by the actual winning.

If you're here, and you didn't already know about Froog's Win, then I'm wondering, how did you get here? And if you're here and you did already know about the Win, then welcome, welcome, let us celebrate together, over at Froog's place (what? I just moved in. I can't mess up the new place with a wild winning party with the plastic still on most of the furniture.)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Women Love a Guy Who Makes them Laugh

Women love a guy who makes them laugh. This is well-known and well-practiced (by men, who make women laugh, and have those women fall in love with them.) So, when Froog put out a request (buried deep in his Dating Series' posts) to Beijing Women to find his Blog, read it, laugh, and fall in love with him, I realized that he had finally hit gold.

So, I'm posting here, to say, Froog, keep writing laughable posts. Women of Beijing, go read them and fall in love. Then read his posts on Dating so you know how to get a date with him.

Aside: Did you know Blogger has a transliteration feature to turn transliterated Hindi into Hindi scrip? Why? and why only Hindi? I think it's a fabulous idea. I'd like to see what other languages Blogger helps us script.

हिन्दी नहीं जानती!

Yeah, that looks uber-impressive. Now, if only I knew how to read Hindi so I could tell if it transliterated correctly!